On July 1, 2019, the Department of City Planning opened the home-sharing online registration portal, an important milestone in the City's efforts surrounding short-term rentals and home-sharing in Los Angeles.. The launch of the online registration system begins implementation of the recently adopted Home-Sharing Ordinance, which establishes a regulatory framework to allow hosts to share space in their primary residences while preventing the wholesale conversion of homes into full-time short-term rental properties.
To participate in Home-Sharing in the City of Los Angeles, all hosts are required to successfully register for Home-Sharing and include the Registration Number (or Pending Registration Number) on all short-term rental listings prior to November 1, 2019. To access the Portal, please visit https://planning.lacity.org/home-sharing.
Information on the registration process, including details on eligibility criteria and required documentation, is available on the Department of City Planning’s website at http://planning.lacity.org/.
If you are interested in receiving ongoing updates about the Home-Sharing Program, including information on how to register, please sign up to the mailing list at http://bit.ly/DCPHomeSharing.
For additional information, please contact:
Home-Sharing Unit
Department of City Planning - Development Services Center
201 N. Figueroa Street, 5th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 202-5464
24/7 Complaint Hotline: (213) 267-7788