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Controller Maps COVID-19 Job Losses in Los Angeles

Posted on 06/15/2020
unemployed person

L.A. Controller Ron Galperin released an interactive, online data story that reveals an estimated 300,000 job losses locally since the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March. “COVID-19 Job Losses in L.A.” includes a dashboard that maps job losses by neighborhood and industry, along with graphs showing the impact on Los Angeles compared to state and national job loss numbers. Galperin’s research found that many of the neighborhoods impacted most by the economic shutdown are in Central, South and Northeast Los Angeles, areas with higher concentrations of African American and Latino families, immigrants, low-income renters and single-parent households than other parts of the City.

Explore “COVID-19 Job Losses in L.A.” at

As Controller, Galperin seeks to use technology to better connect people with useful public information. He recently released a statewide food map of more than 1,800 food banks, pantries and emergency distribution locations, and a comprehensive COVID-19 Resource Hub for the City of Los Angeles with a dashboard tracking local infection data, a map showing how stimulus checks will be distributed locally, and hundreds of federal, state and local resources organized in to 16 categories for public use.

Follow L.A. Controller Ron Galperin at @LAController on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.