Los Angeles coordinates nationwide, bipartisan effort to inform and empower immigrant communities
LOS ANGELES — Mayor Eric Garcetti today led the first-ever Cities’ Day of Immigration Action, an effort by mayors in more than 60 cities to mobilize law enforcement, faith leaders, legal advocates, and community organizations in affirming the indispensable role of immigrants in American life, and connecting people with the resources they need to protect themselves and their families.
“Immigration is at the heart of the American story, because people from everywhere have made immeasurable contributions to the diversity, ingenuity, and cultural richness that defines who we are. That is especially true in Los Angeles, and people who have made a home here deserve all of the resources and protection their City can provide,” said Mayor Garcetti, who chairs and founded the United States Conference of Mayors Latino Alliance. “No one in Los Angeles should live in fear of being taken from their home, or separated from their family. I will never stop fighting to protect all Angelenos, and making sure they are given the support they need and deserve.”
In Los Angeles, the Cities’ Day of Immigration Action was highlighted by Mayor Garcetti signing the twentieth executive directive of his administration. The directive, “Standing with Immigrants: A City of Safety, Refuge, and Opportunity for All,” ensures that L.A.’s public servants stay focused on protecting people, serving communities, and saving lives — not inquiring about immigration status or engaging in federal civil immigration enforcement.
The directive expands existing LAPD policies on immigration enforcement to Airport police, Port police and firefighters — and prohibits all city employees from using public facilities or resources to assist or cooperate with federal civil immigration enforcement. It also requires that every city facility and service be made available to all Angelenos without regard to citizenship or immigration status, and orders protections on the confidentiality of information submitted by residents who enroll in city programs and services, unless required by law.
Los Angeles also hosted citywide legal clinics, “Know Your Rights” workshops, and training sessions throughout the day — giving Angelenos a chance to ask questions, and get answers, about immigration processing. Mayor Garcetti met with pro bono legal service providers at the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA), and hosted a ‘Know Your Rights’ workshop at the Dolores Mission with immigration advocates, law enforcement officials, and faith and community leaders.
The Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs has issued a Community Resource Guide for immigrant Angelenos — which includes comprehensive know-your-rights information and resources, including contact information for legal service providers and community organizations. The guide can be found at https://www.lamayor.org/ImmigrantResources.
For more information about the Cities’ Day of Immigration Action in Los Angeles, please visit LAMayor.org/Immigrants. To see the list of more than 60 Mayors and cities participating in 32 states across America, go to http://www.usmayors.org/mayors-stand-for-all/immigration/.
For other Mayor's Executive Directives, please visit https://www.lamayor.org/mayor_garcetti_s_executive_directives