The City of Los Angeles, Office of the Controller, operates a confidential hotline for City employees, contractors, citizens and other interested parties to report fraud, waste and abuse affecting City resources. The City has contracted with an independent company (The Network) whose trained intake specialists will receive all calls and web-based reports. You may remain anonymous.
What to Report
- Theft of City resources (e.g., cash, equipment, supplies or materials)
- Record falsification
- Payroll fraud or time abuse
- Kickbacks or bribes
- Intentional misuse of City equipment or property
- Contractor fraud
- Gross mismanagement of resources, including careless expenditures
- Gross disregard of policy and procedural controls
Complaint Evaluation
The Controller's Fraud, Waste and Abuse Unit will conduct a thorough analysis of each complaint. In order to protect the confidential reporting process, updates of actions will not be provided.
For more information, please visit